Vaccinations, Diseases and Medical Care in The Central African Republic

A lot of people ask us what vaccinations they need to travel to the Central African Republic and if there is malaria in the Central African Republic.

– There is a significant malaria risk throughout the entire Central African Republic. We recommend mosquito repellent measures from dusk to dawn in combination with the intake of malaria tablets. If you have a fever during or after the trip, always have yourself tested for malaria as soon as possible. Please, ask your doctor for more information. 

– There is a risk of yellow fever in the Central African Republic. Proof of vaccination against yellow fever is mandatory when you fly to Bangui. 

– Insects can transmit diseases such as dengue, chikungunya, leishmaniasis and sleeping sickness all over the Central African Republic.  Protect yourself from insects

– Ticks can transmit diseases such as African tick fever.

– Dogs and other mammals can be infected with rabies (rabies). Do not touch any animals during your travel in the Central African Republic. 

– There is a risk of infection with schistosomiasis when swimming or bathing in lakes and rivers. Never go in still water and always ask locals if it’s ok to swim in water if you really must (best spring water with current)

– There is a risk of tuberculosis in the Central African Republic. 

– Mandatory vaccinations for Central African Republic:

Yellow fever vaccination is mandatory from the age of nine months when you travel to the Central African Republic. This must be administered at least ten days before arrival at a yellow fever vaccination center and registered in an International Certificate of Vaccination and Prophylaxis.

– Recommended vaccinations for Central African Republic: 

Hepatitis A vaccination is recommended for all travelers.

Other recommended vaccinations are: Hepatitis B, tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough, polio, measles, mumps, German measles, Covid-19

Talk to your doctor about whether any of the following vaccinations are recommended for you:

– Typhoid (we actually recommend this)

– Meningococcal ACWY

– Rabies

– Hepatitis B

– Flu

– Pneumococci
