Libongo – Bayanga Transfer: Border Crossing Between Central African Republic and Cameroon

If you are traveling from Cameroon to the Central African Republic or the other way around, from the Central African Republic to Cameroon and you need help with border crossing from Libongo to Lidjombo and to Bayanga, we can help you with that.

You can rent a boat transfer with a captain from us who will come from Bayanga to Libongo to pick you up and then from Libongo go all the way to Bayanga and Dzanga Sangha Park.

We can also help you with a car transfer from Yaoundé to Libongo. This takes two days: Yaoundé – Bertoua – Bartoumi – Yokadouma – Mambalé – Libongo – Bayanga.

Let us know what you’re looking for and we’ll give you a quotation!
