Goliath Tigerfish Fishing South of Bangui

The Goliath tigerfish (Hydrocynus goliath), also known as the river monster or mbenga, is an African species of fish in the genus Hydrocynus that inhabits the Congo River, the Ubangi River and others and can weigh over 35 kg.

Several species belonging to the genus Hydrocynus of the family Alestidae are referred to as “Tigerfish”, and are particularly prized as sport fishing fish. These fish are found in many rivers and lakes on the African continent and are fierce predators with distinctive teeth that are proportionately large.

African tigerfish are silver, unlike the more famous species of dorado, which is golden. Coincidentally, the Dorado is known as the “Tigre del Rio” (River Tiger) in its homeland.

The tigerfish’s legendary ferocity is complemented by a gas-filled sac in its body that acts as a sophisticated sound receptor. The bag allows the tigerfish to detect vibrations in open water. Juveniles in large numbers often attack the source of the sounds or vibrations, and therefore animals of almost any size, including large animals on their own territory. Adults tend to travel in small groups of up to four or five individuals and are just as dangerous. When food is scarce or competition for food is too great, tigerfish may resort to cannibalism; this is particularly common in the dry season. The species has been known to prey on humans, especially children in shallow water. Attacks can be devastating, as the aggressive animal’s hunting tactics in a group can render victims defenseless. Deaths from attacks were recorded in several countries.

We have a new well-maintained boat and have two 140-HP engines and an excellent captain. Our local fishing guide has a lot of experience fishing goliath tigerfish in the Central African Republic, although locals also do it often by net. So we can set out a net while line fishing as a back up.

We typically go for seven days south of Bangui to our secret fishing spot where we will camp and eat simple local food. We will be with a crew of 3 people and then recruit one or two locals as well to help. For this tour we ask you to bring your own fishing gear and as much back up material as possible!
